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Deb Datasource

Table of values

Name Value Notes
Identifier deb
Default versioning deb
Custom registry support Yes
Release timestamp support No
Source URL support No


The Debian datasource enables Renovate to update packages from Debian repositories. It is ideal for projects that depend on Debian-based systems or distributions. You will need to combine Debian datasource with regex managers to update dependencies.

Registry URL To use a Debian repository with the datasource, you need a properly formatted URL with specific query parameters:

  • components: Comma-separated list of repository components (e.g., main,contrib,non-free).
  • binaryArch: Architecture of the binary packages (e.g., amd64,all).
  • Either suite or release:
  • suite: A rolling release alias like stable.
  • release: A fixed release name such as bullseye or buster.


This URL points to the stable suite of the Debian repository for amd64 architecture, including main, contrib, and non-free components.

Usage Example

Say you're using apt packages in a Dockerfile and want to update them. With the debian datasource you can "pin" each dependency, and get automatic updates.

First you would set a custom manager in your renovate.json file for Dockerfile:

  "$schema": "",
  "customManagers": [
      "customType": "regex",
      "fileMatch": ["^Dockerfile$"],
      "matchStrings": [
        "#\\s*renovate:\\s*?depName=(?<depName>.*?)?\\sENV .*?_VERSION=\"(?<currentValue>.*)\"\\s"
      "datasourceTemplate": "deb"

Then you would put comments in your Dockerfile, to tell Renovate where to find the updates:

FROM debian:bullseye

# renovate: depName=gcc-11
ENV GCC_VERSION="11.2.0-19"

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y \
    gcc-11="${GCC_VERSION}" && \
    apt-get clean

When the apt package for gcc is updated, Renovate updates the environment variable.