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Hermit Datasource

Table of values

Name Value Notes
Identifier hermit
Default versioning hermit
Custom registry support Yes
Release timestamp support No
Source URL support Yes The source URL is determined from the Repository field in the results.


By default Hermit looks up packages from the open source project

Hermit supports private packages. To get Renovate to find your private packages, follow these steps:

  1. perform hermit search --json with your private Hermit distribution and save the file to index.json
  2. make a GitHub release in your private packages repository named index with the asset index.json generated in step 1.
  3. setup a CI pipeline to repeat step 1 & 2 on new commits to the private packages repository.
  4. Add a package rule for the Hermit manager, so that Renovate knows where to find your private packages:
  "packageRules": [
      "matchManagers": ["hermit"],
      "defaultRegistryUrls": [