Automated Dependency Updates for asdf
Categories: no-category
Renovate supports updating asdf dependencies.
File Matching¶
By default, Renovate will check any files matching the following regular expression: (^|/)\.tool-versions$
For details on how to extend a manager's fileMatch
value, please follow this link.
Supported datasources¶
This manager supports extracting the following datasources: dart-version
, docker
, dotnet-version
, flutter-version
, github-releases
, github-tags
, hexpm-bob
, java-version
, node-version
, npm
, pypi
, ruby-version
Default config¶
"fileMatch": [
Additional Information¶
Keeps the asdf .tool-versions
file updated.
Because asdf
supports versioning for many different tools, specific tool support must be added one-by-one.
The following tools are currently supported:
- act
- actionlint
- adr-tools
- argocd
- asdf-plugin-manager
- atmos
- awscli
- bun
- cargo-make
- checkov
- clojure
- conftest
- container-structure-test
- cookiecutter
- cosign
- crystal
- dart
- deno
- direnv
- dotnet-core
- dprint
- ecspresso
- editorconfig-checker
- elixir
- elm
- erlang
- flutter
- flux2
- gauche
- github-cli
- gitleaks
- gleam
- gohugo
- golang
- golangci-lint
- gomplate
- hadolint
- haskell
- helm
- helm-docs
- helmfile
- hugo
- idris
- istioctl
- java
- julia
- just
- k3s
- kind
- kotlin
- kubectl
- kubetail
- kustomize
- lua
- markdownlint-cli2
- maven
- mimirtool
- minikube
- nim
- nodejs
- ocaml
- oci
- opentofu
- packer
- perl
- php
- pnpm
- poetry
- pre-commit
- protoc
- pulumi
- python
- rebar
- ruby
- rust
- sbt
- scala
- shellcheck
- shfmt
- skaffold
- sops
- steampipe
- talhelper
- talosctl
- terraform
- terraform-docs
- terraformer
- terragrunt
- tflint
- tfsec
- trivy
- vault
- yamllint
- yq
- zig
- maestro
- detekt
- ktlint
- yamlfmt
- tuist
- typos
- uv
Only the first version entry for each supported tool is managed, this is because .tool-versions
supports fallback versions.