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Automated Dependency Updates for Bazel Module

Categories: bazel

Renovate supports updating Bazel Module dependencies.

File Matching

By default, Renovate will check any files matching the following regular expression: (^|/|\.)MODULE\.bazel$.

For details on how to extend a manager's fileMatch value, please follow this link.

Supported datasources

This manager supports extracting the following datasources: bazel, docker, github-tags, maven.

Default config

  "fileMatch": [

Additional Information

The bazel-module manager can update Bazel module (bzlmod) enabled workspaces.


It also takes care about maven artifacts initalized with bzlmod. For simplicity the name of extension variable is limited to maven*. E.g.:

maven = use_extension("@rules_jvm_external//:extensions.bzl", "maven")
maven_1 = use_extension("@rules_jvm_external//:extensions.bzl", "maven")

Both install and artifact methods are supported:

    artifacts = [

    artifact = "javapoet",
    group = "com.squareup",
    neverlink = True,
    version = "1.11.1",


Similarly, it updates Docker / OCI images pulled with oci_pull.

Note that the extension must be called oci:

oci = use_extension("@rules_oci//oci:extensions.bzl", "oci")

    name = "nginx_image",
    digest = "sha256:287ff321f9e3cde74b600cc26197424404157a72043226cbbf07ee8304a2c720",
    image = "",
    platforms = ["linux/amd64"],
    tag = "1.27.1",