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Automated Dependency Updates for Crossplane

Categories: kubernetes, iac

Renovate supports updating Crossplane dependencies.

File Matching

Because file names for crossplane cannot be easily determined automatically, Renovate will not attempt to match any crossplane files by default. For details on how to extend a manager's fileMatch value, please follow this link.

Supported datasources

This manager supports extracting the following datasources: docker.

Default config

  "fileMatch": []

Additional Information

To use the crossplane manager you must set your own fileMatch pattern. The crossplane manager has no default fileMatch pattern, because there is no common filename or directory name convention for Crossplane YAML files. By setting your own fileMatch Renovate avoids having to check each *.yaml file in a repository for a Crossplane Package definition.

The crossplane manager supports these depTypes:

  • configuration
  • function
  • provider

You can use these depType's to control which dependencies Renovate will upgrade.

If you need to change the versioning format, read the versioning documentation to learn more.

Some configuration examples:

If most .yaml files are for Crossplane
  "crossplane": {
    "fileMatch": ["\\.yaml$"]
For Crossplane files in a packages/ directory
  "crossplane": {
    "fileMatch": ["packages/.+\\.yaml$"]
For a single Crossplane file
  "crossplane": {
    "fileMatch": ["^config/provider\\.yaml$"]