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Custom Manager Support using JSONata

Categories: custom

With customManagers using JSONata queries you can configure Renovate so it finds dependencies in JSON, TOML and YAML files, that are not detected by its other built-in package managers.

Renovate uses the jsonata package to process the file content using the queries, after the content has been parsed into json format.

For more on the jsonata query language, read the jsonata query language site.

The JSONata manager is unique in Renovate, because:

  • It can be used with any datasource
  • It can be configured via JSONata queries
  • You can create multiple "JSONata managers" in the same repository

Required Fields

The first two required fields are fileMatch and matchStrings:

  • fileMatch works the same as any manager
  • matchStrings is a JSONata custom manager concept and is used for configuring a jsonata queries

Information that Renovate needs about the dependency

Before Renovate can look up a dependency and decide about updates, it must have this info about each dependency:

Info type Required Notes Docs
Name of the dependency Yes
datasource Yes Example datasources: npm, Docker, GitHub tags, and so on. Supported datasources
Version scheme to use. Defaults to semver-coerced. Yes You may set another version scheme, like pep440. Supported versioning schemes

Required fields to be present in the resulting structure returned by the jsonata query

You must:

  • Capture the currentValue of the dependency or use the currentValueTemplate template field
  • Capture the depName or packageName. Or use a template field: depNameTemplate and packageNameTemplate
  • Capture the datasource, or use the datasourceTemplate template field

Optional fields you can include in the resulting structure

You may use any of these items:

  • depType, or use the depTypeTemplate template field
  • versioning, or the use versioningTemplate template field. If neither are present, Renovate defaults to semver-coerced
  • extractVersion, or use the extractVersionTemplate template field
  • currentDigest
  • registryUrl, or use the registryUrlTemplate template field. If it's a valid URL, it will be converted to the registryUrls field as a single-length array
  • indentation. Must be empty, or whitespace. Else Renovate restes only indentation to an empty string


When you configure a JSONata manager, use the following syntax:

  "customManagers": [
      "customType": "jsonata",
      "fileFormat": "json",
      "fileMatch": ["<file match pattern>"],
      "matchStrings": ['<query>'],

Overwrite the <query> placeholder text with your JSONata query. The JSONata query transforms the content to a JSON object, similar to the this:

dependencies information extracted usig jsonata query
    depName: 'some_dep',
    currentValue: '1.0.0',
    datasource: 'docker',
    versioning: 'semver',

Creating your Renovate JSONata manager config is easier if you understand JSONata queries. We recommend you follow these steps:

  1. Read the official JSONata query language docs
  2. Check our example queries below
  3. You're ready to make your own config

Alternatively you can "try and error" to a working config, by adjusting our examples.

YAML files are parsed as multi document files.

Example queries

Below are some example queries for the generic JSON manager. You can also use the JSONata test website to experiment with queries.

Dependencies spread in different nodes, and we want to limit the extraction to a particular node
  "production": [
      "version": "1.2.3",
      "package": "foo"
  "development": [
      "version": "4.5.6",
      "package": "bar"


production.{ "depName": package, "currentValue": version }
Dependencies spread in different nodes, and we want to extract all of them as if they were in the same node
  "production": [
      "version": "1.2.3",
      "package": "foo"
  "development": [
      "version": "4.5.6",
      "package": "bar"


*.{ "depName": package, "currentValue": version }
The dependency name is in a JSON node name, and the version is in a child leaf to that node
  "foo": {
    "version": "1.2.3"
  "bar": {
    "version": "4.5.6"


$each(function($v, $n) { { "depName": $n, "currentValue": $v.version } })
The dependency name and its version are both value nodes of the same parent node
  "packages": [
      "version": "1.2.3",
      "package": "foo"
      "version": "4.5.6",
      "package": "bar"


packages.{ "depName": package, "currentValue": version }
The dependency name and version are part of the same string
  "packages": ["foo@1.2.3", "bar@4.5.6"]


$map($map(packages, function ($v) { $split($v, "@") }), function ($v) { { "depName": $v[0], "currentVersion": $v[1] } })
JSONata manager config to extract deps from a package.json file in the Renovate repository
  "customType": "jsonata",
  "fileMatch": ["package.json"],
  "matchStrings": [
    "$each(dependencies, function($v, $k) { {\"depName\":$k, \"currentValue\": $v, \"depType\": \"dependencies\"}})",
    "$each(devDependencies, function($v, $k) { {\"depName\":$k, \"currentValue\": $v, \"depType\": \"devDependencies\"}})",
    "$each(optionalDependencies, function($v, $k) { {\"depName\":$k, \"currentValue\": $v, \"depType\": \"optionalDependencies\"}})",
    "{ \"depName\": \"pnpm\", \"currentValue\": $substring(packageManager, 5),  \"depType\": \"packageManager\"}"
  "datasourceTemplate": "npm"
Dependencies in a single node, and we want to extract all of them
  - version: 1.2.3
    package: foo


packages.{ "depName": package, "currentValue": version }
Dependencies in a single node in a multi document yaml, and we want to extract all of them
  - version: 1.2.3
    package: foo
  - version: 1.2.5
    package: bar


packages.{ "depName": package, "currentValue": version }
JSONata manager config to extract deps from a toml file
version = "1.2.3"
package = "foo"

version = "1.2.2"
package = "bar"


packages.{ "depName": package, "currentValue": version }