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Automated Dependency Updates for OpenTelemetry Collector Builder (ocb)

Categories: golang

Renovate supports updating OpenTelemetry Collector Builder (ocb) dependencies.

File Matching

Because file names for ocb cannot be easily determined automatically, Renovate will not attempt to match any ocb files by default. For details on how to extend a manager's fileMatch value, please follow this link.

Supported datasources

This manager supports extracting the following datasources: go.

Default config

  "fileMatch": []

Additional Information

Renovate uses this manager to update dependencies defined in the build definitions for the OpenTelemetry Collector Builder (ocb).

By default, the ocb manager has no fileMatch patterns. This means you must set a fileMatch pattern for the ocb manager, in order for Renovate to update your ocb files. Here's a configuration example:

If your builder files are named like foo-builder.yml or builder.yaml
  "ocb": {
    "fileMatch": ["builder.ya?ml$"]

Supported dependencies and their respective depTypes are:

Name depType
base collector collector
connectors connectors
exports exports
extensions extensions
processors processors