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Automated Dependency Updates for Pep621

Categories: python

Renovate supports updating Pep621 dependencies.

File Matching

By default, Renovate will check any files matching the following regular expression: (^|/)pyproject\.toml$.

For details on how to extend a manager's fileMatch value, please follow this link.

Supported datasources

This manager supports extracting the following datasources: pypi.

Default config

  "fileMatch": [

Additional Information

This manager supports updating dependencies inside pyproject.toml files.

In addition to standard dependencies, these toolsets are also supported:

  • pdm (including pdm.lock files)
  • uv (including uv.lock files)
  • hatch

Available depTypes:

  • project.dependencies
  • project.optional-dependencies
  • build-system.requires
  • tool.hatch.envs.<env-name>

Open items

The below list of features were current when this page was generated on September 28, 2024.

Feature requests

  • Add support for Rye Python Package Manager #25273