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Self-Hosted configuration options

Only use these configuration options when you self-host Renovate.

Do not put the self-hosted config options listed on this page in your "repository config" file (renovate.json for example), because Renovate will ignore those config options, and may also create a config error issue.

The config options below must be configured in the bot/admin config, so in either a environment variable, CLI option, or a special file like config.js.

Please also see Self-Hosted Experimental Options.


Config options with type=string are always non-mergeable, so mergeable=false.


Set this to true to allow custom crate registries.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --allow-custom-crate-registries


Set this to true if repositories are allowed to run install plugins.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --allow-plugins


Set this to false to disable template compilation for post-upgrade commands.

Name Value
type boolean
default true
cli --allow-post-upgrade-command-templating

Let's look at an example of configuring packages with existing Angular migrations.

module.exports = {
  allowedPostUpgradeCommands: ['^npm ci --ignore-scripts$', '^npx ng update'],

In the renovate.json file, define the commands and files to be included in the final commit.

The command to install dependencies (npm ci --ignore-scripts) is needed because, by default, the installation of dependencies is skipped (see the skipInstalls global option).

  "packageRules": [
      "matchPackageNames": ["@angular/core"],
      "postUpgradeTasks": {
        "commands": [
          "npm ci --ignore-scripts",
          "npx ng update {{{depName}}} --from={{{currentVersion}}} --to={{{newVersion}}} --migrate-only --allow-dirty --force"

With this configuration, the executable command for @angular/core looks like this:

npm ci --ignore-scripts
npx ng update @angular/core --from=10.0.0 --to=11.0.0 --migrate-only --allow-dirty --force

If you wish to disable templating because of any security or performance concern, you may set allowPostUpgradeCommandTemplating to false. But before you disable templating completely, try the allowedPostUpgradeCommands config option to limit what commands are allowed to run.


Set this to true if repositories are allowed to run install scripts.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --allow-scripts


List of allowed patterns for environment variable names in repository env config.

Name Value
type array
subType string
cli --allowed-env

Bot administrators can allow users to configure custom environment variables within repo config. Only environment variables matching the list will be accepted in the env configuration.


  "env": {
    "SOME_ENV_VARIABLE": "some_value",
    "EXTRA_ENV_NAME": "value"

The above would require allowedEnv to be configured similar to the following:

module.exports = {
  allowedEnv: ['SOME_ENV_*', 'EXTRA_ENV_NAME'],

allowedEnv values can be exact match header names, glob patterns, or regex patterns. For more details on the syntax and supported patterns, see Renovate's String Pattern Matching documentation.


List of allowed patterns for header names in repository hostRules config.

Name Value
type array
subType string
cli --allowed-headers

allowedHeaders can be useful when a registry uses a authentication system that's not covered by Renovate's default credential handling in hostRules. By default, all headers starting with "X-" are allowed. If needed, you can allow additional headers with the allowedHeaders option. Any set allowedHeaders overrides the default "X-" allowed headers, so you should include them in your config if you wish for them to remain allowed. The allowedHeaders config option takes an array of minimatch-compatible globs or re2-compatible regex strings. For more details on this syntax see Renovate's string pattern matching documentation.


Example header Kind of pattern Explanation
/X/ Regex Any header with x anywhere in the name
!/X/ Regex Any header without X anywhere in the name
X-* Global pattern Any header starting with X-
X Exact match glob Only the header matching exactly X
  "hostRules": [
      "matchHost": "",
      "headers": {
        "X-Auth-Token": "secret"

Or with custom allowedHeaders:

module.exports = {
  allowedHeaders: ['custom-header'],


A list of regular expressions that decide which post-upgrade tasks are allowed.

Name Value
type array
subType string
cli --allowed-post-upgrade-commands

A list of regular expressions that decide which commands in postUpgradeTasks are allowed to run. If this list is empty then no tasks will be executed.

For example:

  "allowedPostUpgradeCommands": ["^tslint --fix$", "^tslint --[a-z]+$"]


Autodiscover all repositories.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --autodiscover

When you enable autodiscover, by default, Renovate runs on every repository that the bot account can access. You can limit which repositories Renovate can access by using the autodiscoverFilter config option.


Filter the list of autodiscovered repositories.

Name Value
type array
subType string
cli --autodiscover-filter

You can use this option to filter the list of repositories that the Renovate bot account can access through autodiscover. The pattern matches against the organization/repo path. It takes a minimatch glob-style or regex pattern.

If you set multiple filters, then the matches of each filter are added to the overall result.

If you use an environment variable or the CLI to set the value for autodiscoverFilter, then commas , within filters are not supported. Commas will be used as delimiter for a new filter.

# DO NOT use commas inside the filter if your are using env or cli variables to configure it.

# in this example you can use regex instead


The configuration:

  "autodiscoverFilter": ["my-org/*"]

The search for repositories is case-insensitive.


All text inside the start and end / will be treated as a regular expression.

  "autodiscoverFilter": ["/project/.*/"]

You can negate the regex by putting an ! in front. Only use a single negation and don't mix with other filters because all filters are combined with or. If using negations, all repositories except those who match the regex are added to the result:

  "autodiscoverFilter": ["!/project/.*/"]


Filter the list of autodiscovered repositories by namespaces.

Name Value
type array
subType string
supportedPlatforms gitea, gitlab
cli --autodiscover-namespaces

You can use this option to autodiscover projects in specific namespaces (a.k.a. groups/organizations/workspaces). In contrast to autodiscoverFilter the filtering is done by the platform and therefore more efficient.

For example:

  "platform": "gitlab",
  "autodiscoverNamespaces": ["a-group", "another-group/some-subgroup"]


On Gitea/Forgejo, you can't use autodiscoverTopics together with autodiscoverNamespaces because both platforms do not support this. Topics are preferred and autodiscoverNamespaces will be ignored when you configure autodiscoverTopics on Gitea/Forgejo.


Filter the list of autodiscovered repositories by project names.

Name Value
type array
subType string
supportedPlatforms bitbucket
cli --autodiscover-projects

You can use this option to filter the list of autodiscovered repositories by project names. This feature is useful for users who want Renovate to only work on repositories within specific projects or exclude certain repositories from being processed.

Example for Bitbucket
  "platform": "bitbucket",
  "autodiscoverProjects": ["a-group", "!another-group/some-subgroup"]

The autodiscoverProjects config option takes an array of minimatch-compatible globs or RE2-compatible regex strings. For more details on this syntax see Renovate's string pattern matching documentation.


The order method for autodiscover server side repository search.

Name Value
type string
allowedValues asc, desc
supportedPlatforms gitea
cli --autodiscover-repo-order

The order method for autodiscover server side repository search.

If multiple autodiscoverTopics are used resulting order will be per topic not global.


The sort method for autodiscover server side repository search.

Name Value
type string
allowedValues alpha, created, updated, size, id
supportedPlatforms gitea
cli --autodiscover-repo-sort

The sort method for autodiscover server side repository search.

If multiple autodiscoverTopics are used resulting order will be per topic not global.


Filter the list of autodiscovered repositories by topics.

Name Value
type array
subType string
supportedPlatforms gitea, github, gitlab
cli --autodiscover-topics

Some platforms allow you to add tags, or topics, to repositories and retrieve repository lists by specifying those topics. Set this variable to a list of strings, all of which will be topics for the autodiscovered repositories.

For example:

  "autodiscoverTopics": ["managed-by-renovate"]


The base directory for Renovate to store local files, including repository files and cache. If left empty, Renovate will create its own temporary directory to use.

Name Value
type string
cli --base-dir
default null

By default Renovate uses a temporary directory like /tmp/renovate to store its data. You can override this default with the baseDir option.

For example:

  "baseDir": "/my-own-different-temporary-folder"


Use the repository's development branch as the repository's default branch.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
supportedPlatforms bitbucket
inheritConfigSupport true
cli --bb-use-development-branch

By default, Renovate will use a repository's "main branch" (typically called main or master) as the "default branch".

Configuring this to true means that Renovate will detect and use the Bitbucket development branch as defined by the repository's branching model.

If the "development branch" is configured but the branch itself does not exist (e.g. it was deleted), Renovate will fall back to using the repository's "main branch". This fall back behavior matches that of the Bitbucket Cloud web interface.


Controls how third-party tools like npm or Gradle are called: directly, via Docker sidecar containers, or via dynamic install.

Name Value
type string
allowedValues global, docker, install, hermit
default "install"
cli --binary-source

Renovate often needs to use third-party tools in its PRs, like npm to update package-lock.json or go to update go.sum.

Renovate supports four possible ways to access those tools:

  • global: Uses pre-installed tools, e.g. npm installed via npm install -g npm.
  • install (default): Downloads and installs tools at runtime if running in a Containerbase environment, otherwise falls back to global
  • docker: Runs tools inside Docker "sidecar" containers using docker run.
  • hermit: Uses the Hermit tool installation approach.

Starting in v36, Renovate's default Docker image (previously referred to as the "slim" image) uses binarySource=install while the "full" Docker image uses binarySource=global. If you are running Renovate in an environment where runtime download and install of tools is not possible then you should use the "full" image.

If you are building your own Renovate image, e.g. by installing Renovate using npm, then you will need to ensure that all necessary tools are installed globally before running Renovate so that binarySource=global will work.

The binarySource=docker approach should not be necessary in most cases now and binarySource=install is recommended instead. If you have a use case where you cannot use binarySource=install but can use binarySource=docker then please share it in a GitHub Discussion so that the maintainers can understand it. For this to work, docker needs to be installed and the Docker socket available to Renovate.


The directory where Renovate stores its cache. If left empty, Renovate creates a subdirectory within the baseDir.

Name Value
type string
cli --cache-dir
default null

By default Renovate stores cache data in a temporary directory like /tmp/renovate/cache. Use the cacheDir option to override this default.

The baseDir and cacheDir option may point to different directories. You can use one directory for the repo data, and another for the cache data.

For example:

  "baseDir": "/my-own-different-temporary-folder",
  "cacheDir": "/my-own-different-cache-folder"


Maximum duration in minutes to keep datasource cache entries.

Name Value
type integer
default 10080
cli --cache-hard-ttl-minutes

This experimental feature is used to implement the concept of a "soft" cache expiry for datasources, starting with npm. It should be set to a non-zero value, recommended to be at least 60 (i.e. one hour).

When this value is set, the npm datasource will use the cacheHardTtlMinutes value for cache expiry, instead of its default expiry of 15 minutes, which becomes the "soft" expiry value. Results which are soft expired are reused in the following manner:

  • The etag from the cached results will be reused, and may result in a 304 response, meaning cached results are revalidated
  • If an error occurs when querying the npmjs registry, then soft expired results will be reused if they are present


Cache private packages in the datasource cache. This is useful for self-hosted setups

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --cache-private-packages

In the self-hosted setup, use option to enable caching of private packages to improve performance.


An object that contains cache namespace TTL override values.

Name Value
type object
cli --cache-ttl-override


For advanced use only! Use at your own risk!

Utilize this key-value map to override the default package cache TTL values for a specific namespace. This object contains pairs of namespaces and their corresponding TTL values in minutes. For example, to override the default TTL of 60 minutes for the docker datasource "tags" namespace: datasource-docker-tags use the following:

  "cacheTtlOverride": {
    "datasource-docker-tags": 120

This feature is flagged as experimental

Experimental features might be changed or even removed at any time.


A list of branch names to mark for creation or rebasing as if it was selected in the Dependency Dashboard issue.

Name Value
type array
subType string
cli --checked-branches

This array will allow you to set the names of the branches you want to rebase/create, as if you selected their checkboxes in the Dependency Dashboard issue.

It has been designed with the intention of being run on one repository, in a one-off manner, e.g. to "force" the rebase of a known existing branch. It is highly unlikely that you should ever need to add this to your permanent global config.

Example: renovate --checked-branches=renovate/chalk-4.x renovate-reproductions/checked will rebase the renovate/chalk-4.x branch in the renovate-reproductions/checked repository.`

This feature is flagged as experimental

Experimental features might be changed or even removed at any time.


The directory where Renovate stores its containerbase cache. If left empty, Renovate creates a subdirectory within the cacheDir.

Name Value
type string
cli --containerbase-dir
default null

This directory is used to cache downloads when binarySource=docker or binarySource=install.

Use this option if you need such downloads to be stored outside of Renovate's regular cache directory (cacheDir).


Custom environment variables for child processes and sidecar Docker containers.

Name Value
type object
cli --custom-env-variables

This configuration will be applied after all other environment variables so you can use it to override defaults.


Do not configure any secret values directly into customEnvVariables because they may be logged to stdout. Instead, configure them into secrets first so that they will be redacted in logs.

If configuring secrets in to customEnvVariables, take this approach:

  secrets: {
  customEnvVariables: {
    SECRET_TOKEN: '{{ secrets.SECRET_TOKEN }}',

The above configuration approach will mean the values are redacted in logs like in the following example:

         "secrets": {"SECRET_TOKEN": "***********"},
         "customEnvVariables": {"SECRET_TOKEN": "{{ secrets.SECRET_TOKEN }}"},


If set to true, Renovate tries to delete the self-hosted config file after reading it.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --delete-config-file

If set to true Renovate tries to delete the self-hosted config file after reading it.

The process that runs Renovate must have the correct permissions to delete the config file.


You can tell Renovate where to find your config file with the RENOVATE_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.


If true, Renovate tries to detect global manager configuration from the file system.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --detect-global-manager-config

The purpose of this config option is to allow you (as a bot admin) to configure manager-specific files such as a global .npmrc file, instead of configuring it in Renovate config.

This config option is disabled by default because it may prove surprising or undesirable for some users who don't expect Renovate to go into their home directory and import registry or credential information.

Currently this config option is supported for the npm manager only - specifically the ~/.npmrc file. If found, it will be imported into config.npmrc with config.npmrcMerge set to true.


If true, Renovate tries to detect host rules from environment variables.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --detect-host-rules-from-env

The format of the environment variables must follow:

  • Datasource name (e.g. NPM, PYPI) or Platform name (only GITHUB)
  • Underscore (_)
  • matchHost
  • Underscore (_)

Hyphens (-) in datasource or host name must be replaced with double underscores (__). Periods (.) in host names must be replaced with a single underscore (_).


You can't use these prefixes with the detectHostRulesFromEnv config option: npm_config_, npm_lifecycle_, npm_package_. In addition, platform host rules will only be picked up when matchHost is supplied.

npmjs registry token example


  "hostRules": [
      "hostType": "npm",
      "matchHost": "",
      "token": "abc123"

GitLab Tags username/password example


  "hostRules": [
      "hostType": "gitlab-tags",
      "matchHost": "",
      "username": "bot",
      "password": "botpass123"

Datasource and credentials only

You can skip the host part, and use only the datasource and credentials.


  "hostRules": [
      "hostType": "docker",
      "username": "bot",
      "password": "botpass123"

Platform with https authentication options


  "hostRules": [
      "hostType": "github",
      "matchHost": "",
      "httpsPrivateKey": "private-key",
      "httpsCertificate": "certificate",
      "httpsCertificateAuthority": "certificate-authority"


Change this value to add a prefix to the Renovate Docker sidecar container names and labels.

Name Value
type string
default "renovate_"
cli --docker-child-prefix

Adds a custom prefix to the default Renovate sidecar Docker containers name and label.

For example, if you set dockerChildPrefix=myprefix_ then the final container created from the containerbase/sidecar is:

  • called myprefix_sidecar instead of renovate_sidecar
  • labeled myprefix_child instead of renovate_child


Dangling containers are only removed when Renovate runs again with the same prefix.


Pass CLI flags to docker run command when binarySource=docker.

Name Value
type string
cli --docker-cli-options
default null

You can use dockerCliOptions to pass Docker CLI options to Renovate's sidecar Docker containers.

For example, {"dockerCliOptions": "--memory=4g"} will add a CLI flag to the docker run command that limits the amount of memory Renovate's sidecar Docker container can use to 4 gigabytes.

Read the Docker Docs, configure runtime resource constraints to learn more.


By default, Renovate fetches up to 20 pages of Docker tags from registries. But you can set your own limit with this config option.

Name Value
type integer
default 20
cli --docker-max-pages

By default, Renovate will fetch a maximum of 20 pages when looking up Docker tags on Docker registries.

If set to an positive integer, Renovate will use this value as the maximum page number. Setting a different limit is useful for registries that ignore the n parameter in Renovate's query string and thus only return 50 tags per page.


Change this value to override the default Renovate sidecar image.

Name Value
type string
default ""
cli --docker-sidecar-image

By default Renovate pulls the sidecar Docker containers from You can use the dockerSidecarImage option to override this default.

Say you want to pull a custom image from You would put this in your configuration file:

  "dockerSidecarImage": ""

Now when Renovate pulls a new sidecar image, the final image is instead of


Set the UID and GID for Docker-based binaries if you use binarySource=docker.

Name Value
type string
cli --docker-user
default null

Override default user and group used by Docker-based tools. The user-id (UID) and group-id (GID) must match the user that executes Renovate.

Read the Docker run reference for more information on user and group syntax. Set this to 1001:1002 to use UID 1001 and GID 1002.

Setting UID to 1001 and GID to 1002
  "dockerUser": "1001:1002"

If you use binarySource=docker|install read the section below.

If you need to change the Docker user please make sure to use the root (0) group, otherwise you'll get in trouble with missing file and directory permissions. Like this:

> export RENOVATE_DOCKER_USER="$(id -u):0" # 500:0 (username:root)


If enabled, perform a dry run by logging messages instead of creating/updating/deleting branches and PRs.

Name Value
type string
allowedValues extract, lookup, full
cli --dry-run

Use dryRun to preview the behavior of Renovate in logs, without making any changes to the repository files.

You can choose from the following behaviors for the dryRun config option:

  • null: Default behavior - Performs a regular Renovate run including creating/updating/deleting branches and PRs
  • "extract": Performs a very quick package file scan to identify the extracted dependencies
  • "lookup": Performs a package file scan to identify the extracted dependencies and updates available
  • "full": Performs a dry run by logging messages instead of creating/updating/deleting branches and PRs

Information provided mainly in debug log level.


Warning text to use if encrypted config is found.

Name Value
type string
cli --encrypted-warning
default null


For advanced use only! Use at your own risk!

Use this if you want to stop supporting encrypted configuration capabilities but want to warn users first to migrate.

If set to a string value, Renovate will log warnings with the encryptedWarning text, meaning the message will be visible to users such as on the Dependency Dashboard.


Custom endpoint to use.

Name Value
type string
cli --endpoint


Default execution timeout in minutes for child processes Renovate creates.

Name Value
type integer
default 15
cli --execution-timeout

Default execution timeout in minutes for child processes Renovate creates. If this option is not set, Renovate will fallback to 15 minutes.


Set this to true to allow passing of all environment variables to package managers.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --expose-all-env

To keep you safe, Renovate only passes a limited set of environment variables to package managers. If you must expose all environment variables to package managers, you can set this option to true.


Always consider the security implications of using exposeAllEnv! Secrets and other confidential information stored in environment variables could be leaked by a malicious script, that enumerates all environment variables.

Set exposeAllEnv to true only if you have reviewed, and trust, the repositories which Renovate bot runs against. Alternatively, you can use the customEnvVariables config option to handpick a set of variables you need to expose.

Setting this to true also allows for variable substitution in .npmrc files.


Any configuration set in this object will force override existing settings.

Name Value
type object
mergeable true

This object is used as a "force override" when you need to make sure certain configuration overrides whatever is configured in the repository. For example, forcing a null (no) schedule to make sure Renovate raises PRs on a run even if the repository itself or its preset defines a schedule that's currently inactive.

In practice, it is implemented by converting the force configuration into a packageRule that matches all packages.


Decides if CLI configuration options are moved to the force config section.

Name Value
type boolean
default true
cli --force-cli

This is set to true by default, meaning that any settings (such as schedule) take maximum priority even against custom settings existing inside individual repositories. It will also override any settings in packageRules.


Whether to create forks as needed at runtime when running in "fork mode".

Name Value
type boolean
supportedPlatforms github
default true
cli --fork-creation

This configuration lets you disable the runtime forking of repositories when running in "fork mode".

Usually you will need to keep this as the default true, and only set to false if you have some out of band process to handle the creation of forks.

This feature is flagged as experimental

Experimental features might be changed or even removed at any time.


The preferred organization to create or find forked repositories, when in fork mode.

Name Value
type string
supportedPlatforms github
cli --fork-org
default null

This configuration option lets you choose an organization you want repositories forked into when "fork mode" is enabled. It must be set to a GitHub Organization name and not a GitHub user account. When set, "allow edits by maintainers" will be false for PRs because GitHub does not allow this setting for organizations.

This can be used if you're migrating from user-based forks to organization-based forks.

If you've set a forkOrg then Renovate will:

  1. Check if a fork exists in the preferred organization before checking it exists in the fork user's account
  2. If no fork exists: it will be created in the forkOrg, not the user account

This feature is flagged as experimental

Experimental features might be changed or even removed at any time.


Set a personal access token here to enable "fork mode".

Name Value
type string
supportedPlatforms github
cli --fork-token
default null

If this value is configured then Renovate:

  • forks the target repository into the account that owns the PAT
  • keep this fork's default branch up-to-date with the target

Renovate will then create branches on the fork and opens Pull Requests on the parent repository.


Forked repositories will always be skipped when forkToken is set, even if includeForks is true.

This feature is flagged as experimental

Experimental features might be changed or even removed at any time.


Which Git commands will be run with the --no-verify option.

Name Value
type array
subType string
allowedValues commit, push
["commit", "push"]
cli --git-no-verify

Controls when Renovate passes the --no-verify flag to git. The flag can be passed to git commit and/or git push. Read the documentation for git commit --no-verify and git push --no-verify to learn exactly what each flag does. To learn more about Git hooks, read the Pro Git 2 book, section on Git Hooks.


PGP key to use for signing Git commits.

Name Value
type string
default null

This is a private PGP or SSH key for signing Git commits.

For PGP, it should be an armored private key, so the type you get from running gpg --export-secret-keys --armor 92066A17F0D1707B4E96863955FEF5171C45FAE5 > private.key. Replace the newlines with \n before adding the resulting single-line value to your bot's config.


The private key can't be protected with a passphrase if running in a headless environment. Renovate will not be able to handle entering the passphrase.

It will be loaded lazily. Before the first commit in a repository, Renovate will:

  1. Run gpg import (if you haven't before) when using PGP
  2. Run git config user.signingkey, git config commit.gpgsign true and git config gpg.format

The git commands are run locally in the cloned repo instead of globally. This reduces the chance of unintended consequences with global Git configs on shared systems.


Configure the timeout with a number of milliseconds to wait for a Git task.

Name Value
type integer
default 0
cli --git-timeout

To handle the case where the underlying Git processes appear to hang, configure the timeout with the number of milliseconds to wait after last received content on either stdOut or stdErr streams before sending a SIGINT kill message.


Overrides the default resolution for Git remote, e.g. to switch GitLab from HTTPS to SSH-based.

Name Value
type string
supportedPlatforms gitlab, bitbucket-server
allowedValues default, ssh, endpoint
default "default"
cli --git-url

Override the default resolution for Git remote, e.g. to switch GitLab from HTTPS to SSH-based. Currently works for Bitbucket Server and GitLab only.

Possible values:

  • default: use HTTPS URLs provided by the platform for Git
  • ssh: use SSH URLs provided by the platform for Git
  • endpoint: ignore URLs provided by the platform and use the configured endpoint directly


Display warnings about GitHub token not being set.

Name Value
type boolean
default true
cli --github-token-warn

By default, Renovate logs and displays a warning when the GITHUB_COM_TOKEN is not set. By setting githubTokenWarn to false, Renovate suppresses these warnings on Pull Requests, etc. Disabling the warning is helpful for self-hosted environments that can't access the domain, because the warning is useless in these environments.


Configuration presets to use or extend for a self-hosted config.

Name Value
type array
subType string
cli --global-extends

Unlike the extends field, which is passed through unresolved to be part of repository config, any presets in globalExtends are resolved immediately as part of global config. Use the globalExtends field if your preset has any global-only configuration options, such as the list of repositories to run against.

Use the extends field instead of this if, for example, you need the ability for a repository config (e.g. renovate.json) to be able to use ignorePresets for any preset defined in global config.


globalExtends presets can't be private. When Renovate resolves globalExtends it does not fully process the configuration. This means that Renovate does not have the authentication it needs to fetch private things.


Maximum duration in days to keep HTTP cache entries.

Name Value
type integer
default 90
cli --http-cache-ttl-days

This option sets the number of days that Renovate will cache HTTP responses. The default value is 90 days. Value of 0 means no caching.


When you set httpCacheTtlDays to 0, Renovate will remove the cached HTTP data.


Whether to process repositories that are mirrors. By default, repositories that are mirrors are skipped.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
supportedPlatforms gitlab
cli --include-mirrors

By default, Renovate does not autodiscover repositories that are mirrors.

Change this setting to true to include repositories that are mirrors as Renovate targets.


If true, Renovate will inherit configuration from the inheritConfigFileName file in inheritConfigRepoName.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --inherit-config

When you enable this option, Renovate will look for the inheritConfigFileName file in the inheritConfigRepoName repository before processing a repository, and read this in as config.

If the repository is in a nested organization or group on a supported platform such as GitLab, such as topGroup/nestedGroup/projectName then Renovate will look in topGroup/nestedGroup/renovate-config.

If inheritConfig is true but the inherited config file does not exist then Renovate will proceed without warning. If the file exists but cannot be parsed, then Renovate will raise a config warning issue and abort the job.

The inherited config may include all valid repository config and these config options:

  • bbUseDevelopmentBranch
  • onboarding
  • onboardingBranch
  • onboardingCommitMessage
  • onboardingConfig
  • onboardingConfigFileName
  • onboardingNoDeps
  • onboardingPrTitle
  • onboardingRebaseCheckbox
  • requireConfig


The above list is prepared manually and may become out of date. Consult the self-hosted configuration docs and look for inheritConfigSupport values there for the definitive list.

This way organizations can change/control the default behavior, like whether configs are required and how repositories are onboarded.

We disabled inheritConfig in the Mend Renovate App to avoid wasting millions of API calls per week. This is because each 404 response from the GitHub API due to a missing org inherited config counts as a used API call. We will add a smart/dynamic approach in future, so that we can selectively enable inheritConfig per organization.


Renovate will look for this config file name in the inheritConfigRepoName.

Name Value
type string
default "org-inherited-config.json"
cli --inherit-config-file-name

Change this setting if you want Renovate to look for a different file name within the inheritConfigRepoName repository. You may use nested files, for example: "some-dir/config.json".


Renovate will look in this repo for the inheritConfigFileName.

Name Value
type string
default "{{parentOrg}}/renovate-config"
cli --inherit-config-repo-name

Change this setting if you want Renovate to look in an alternative repository for the inherited config. The repository must be on the same platform and endpoint, and Renovate's token must have read permissions to the repository.


If true, any inheritedConfig fetch error will result in an aborted run.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --inherit-config-strict

By default Renovate will silently (debug log message only) ignore cases where inheritConfig=true but no inherited config is found. When you set inheritConfigStrict=true then Renovate will abort the run and raise a config error if Renovate can't find the inherited config.


Only set this config option to true if every organization has an inherited config file and you want to make sure Renovate always uses that inherited config.


Add a global or per-repo log context to each log entry.

Name Value
type string
cli --log-context

logContext is included with each log entry only if logFormat="json" - it is not included in the pretty log output. If left as default (null), a random short ID will be selected.


If set, Renovate will query the merge-confidence JSON API only for datasources that are part of this list.

Name Value
allowedValues go, maven, npm, nuget, packagist, pypi, rubygems
["go", "maven", "npm", "nuget", "packagist", "pypi", "rubygems"]
type array
subType string
cli --merge-confidence-datasources

This feature is applicable only if you have an access token for Mend's Merge Confidence API.

If set, Renovate will query the merge-confidence JSON API only for datasources that are part of this list. Otherwise, it queries all the supported datasources (check default value).


modules.exports = {
  mergeConfidenceDatasources: ['npm'],


If set, Renovate will query this API for Merge Confidence data.

Name Value
type string
default ""
cli --merge-confidence-endpoint


For advanced use only! Use at your own risk!

This feature is applicable only if you have an access token for Mend's Merge Confidence API.

If set, Renovate will retrieve Merge Confidence data by querying this API. Otherwise, it will use the default URL, which is

If you use the Mend Renovate Enterprise Edition (Renovate EE) and:

  • have a static merge confidence token that you set via MEND_RNV_MC_TOKEN
  • or set MEND_RNV_MC_TOKEN to auto

Then you must set this variable at the server and the workers.

But if you have specified the token as a matchConfidence hostRule, you only need to set this variable at the workers.

This feature is in private beta.


Define presets here which have been removed or renamed and should be migrated automatically.

Name Value
type object
{"type": "string"}
cli --migrate-presets

Use this if you have repositories that extend from a particular preset, which has now been renamed or removed. This is handy if you have a large number of repositories that all extend from a particular preset which you want to rename, without the hassle of manually updating every repository individually. Use an empty string to indicate that the preset should be ignored rather than replaced.


modules.exports = {
  migratePresets: {
    '@company': 'local>org/renovate-config',

In the above example any reference to the @company preset will be replaced with local>org/renovate-config.


Combine migratePresets with configMigration if you'd like your config migrated by PR.


Require a Configuration PR first.

Name Value
type boolean
inheritConfigSupport true
cli --onboarding
default true

Only set this to false if all three statements are true:

  • You've configured Renovate entirely on the bot side (e.g. empty renovate.json in repositories)
  • You want to run Renovate on every repository the bot has access to
  • You want to skip all onboarding PRs


Change this value to override the default onboarding branch name.

Name Value
type string
default "renovate/configure"
inheritConfigSupport true


This setting is independent of branchPrefix.

For example, if you configure branchPrefix to be renovate- then you'd still have the onboarding PR created with branch renovate/configure until you configure onboardingBranch=renovate-configure or similar. If you have an existing Renovate installation and you change onboardingBranch then it's possible that you'll get onboarding PRs for repositories that had previously closed the onboarding PR unmerged.


Change this value to override the default onboarding commit message.

Name Value
type string
inheritConfigSupport true

If commitMessagePrefix or semanticCommits values are set then they will be prepended to the commit message using the same logic that is used for adding them to non-onboarding commit messages.


Configuration to use for onboarding PRs.

Name Value
type object
{"$schema": ""}
inheritConfigSupport true
mergeable true
cli --onboarding-config


Change this value to override the default onboarding config file name.

Name Value
type string
default "renovate.json"
inheritConfigSupport true

If set to one of the valid config file names, the onboarding PR will create a configuration file with the provided name instead of renovate.json. Falls back to renovate.json if the name provided is not valid.


Onboard the repository even if no dependencies are found.

Name Value
type string
default "auto"
allowedValues auto, enabled, disabled
inheritConfigSupport true
cli --onboarding-no-deps

The default auto setting is converted to disabled if autodiscoverRepositories is true, or converted to enabled if false.

In other words, the default behavior is:

  • If you run Renovate on discovered repositories then it will skip onboarding those without dependencies detected, but
  • If you run Renovate on specific repositories then Renovate will onboard all such repositories even if no dependencies are found


Change this value to override the default onboarding PR title.

Name Value
type string
default "Configure Renovate"
inheritConfigSupport true

If you have an existing Renovate installation and you change the onboardingPrTitle: then you may get onboarding PRs again for repositories with closed non-merged onboarding PRs. This is similar to what happens when you change the onboardingBranch config option.


Set to enable rebase/retry markdown checkbox for onboarding PRs.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
supportedPlatforms gitea, github, gitlab
cli --onboarding-rebase-checkbox

This feature is flagged as experimental

Experimental features might be changed or even removed at any time.
To track this feature visit the following GitHub issue #17633.


Set to true to perform a check for disabled config prior to cloning.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --optimize-for-disabled

When this option is true, Renovate will do the following during repository initialization:

  1. Try to fetch the default config file (e.g. renovate.json)
  2. Check if the file contains "enabled": false
  3. If so, skip cloning and skip the repository immediately

If onboardingConfigFileName is set, that file name will be used instead of the default.

If the file exists and the config is disabled, Renovate will skip the repo without cloning it. Otherwise, it will continue as normal.

optimizeForDisabled can make initialization quicker in cases where most repositories are disabled, but it uses an extra API call for enabled repositories.

A second, advanced, use also exists when the bot global config has extends: [":disableRenovate"]. In that case, Renovate searches the repository config file for any of these configurations:

  • extends: [":enableRenovate"]
  • ignorePresets: [":disableRenovate"]
  • enabled: true

If Renovate finds any of the above configurations, it continues initializing the repository. If not, then Renovate skips the repository without cloning it.


Password for authentication.

Name Value
type string
supportedPlatforms azure, bitbucket, bitbucket-server
cli --password
default null


If set to true: keep repository data between runs instead of deleting the data.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --persist-repo-data

Set this to true if you want Renovate to persist repo data between runs. The intention is that this allows Renovate to do a faster git fetch between runs rather than git clone. It also may mean that ignored directories like node_modules can be preserved and save time on operations like npm install.


Platform type of repository.

Name Value
type string
allowedValues azure, bitbucket, bitbucket-server, codecommit, gerrit, gitea, github, gitlab, local
default "github"
cli --platform


Set the maximum number of commits per Renovate run. By default there is no limit.

Name Value
type integer
default 0
cli --pr-commits-per-run-limit

Parameter to reduce CI load. CI jobs are usually triggered by these events: pull-request creation, pull-request update, automerge events. Set as an integer. Default is no limit.


Cache resolved presets in package cache.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --preset-cache-persistence

When this feature is enabled, resolved presets will be cached in Renovate's package cache, enabling reuse across multiple repositories.

TTL is 15 minutes by default, and it is adjustable in cacheTtlOverride.


Doing so improves efficiency because shared presets don't need to be reloaded/resolved for every repository, however it also means that private presets can be "leaked" between repositories. You should only enable this when all repositories are trusted, such as a corporate environment.


Server-side private key.

Name Value
type string
replaceLineReturns true
cli --private-key
default null

This private key is used to decrypt config files.

The corresponding public key can be used to create encrypted values for config files. If you want a UI to encrypt values you can put the public key in a HTML page similar to

To create the PGP key pair with GPG use the following commands:

  • gpg --full-generate-key and follow the prompts to generate a key. Name and email are not important to Renovate, and do not configure a passphrase. Use a 4096bit key.
key generation log
❯ gpg --full-generate-key
gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.24; Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Please select what kind of key you want:
   (1) RSA and RSA (default)
   (2) DSA and Elgamal
   (3) DSA (sign only)
   (4) RSA (sign only)
  (14) Existing key from card
Your selection? 1
RSA keys may be between 1024 and 4096 bits long.
What keysize do you want? (3072) 4096
Requested keysize is 4096 bits
Please specify how long the key should be valid.
         0 = key does not expire
      <n>  = key expires in n days
      <n>w = key expires in n weeks
      <n>m = key expires in n months
      <n>y = key expires in n years
Key is valid for? (0)
Key does not expire at all
Is this correct? (y/N) y

GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.

Real name: Renovate Bot
Email address:
You selected this USER-ID:
    "Renovate Bot <>"

Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? O

gpg: key 0649CC3899F22A66 marked as ultimately trusted
gpg: revocation certificate stored as '/Users/rhys/.gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d/794B820F34B34A8DF32AADB20649CC3899F22A66.rev'
public and secret key created and signed.

pub   rsa4096 2021-09-10 [SC]
uid                      Renovate Bot <>
sub   rsa4096 2021-09-10 [E]


If you use GnuPG v2.4 (or newer) to generate the key, then you must disable AEAD preferences. This is needed to allow Renovate to decrypt the encrypted values.

key edit log
 gpg --edit-key
gpg> showpref
[ultimate] (1). Renovate Bot <>
     Cipher: AES256, AES192, AES, 3DES
     Digest: SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA224, SHA1
     Compression: ZLIB, BZIP2, ZIP, Uncompressed
     Features: MDC, AEAD, Keyserver no-modify

gpg> setpref AES256 AES192 AES 3DES SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 SHA1 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP
Set preference list to:
     Cipher: AES256, AES192, AES, 3DES
     Digest: SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA224, SHA1
     Compression: ZLIB, BZIP2, ZIP, Uncompressed
     Features: MDC, Keyserver no-modify
Really update the preferences? (y/N) y
gpg> save
  • Copy the key ID from the output (794B820F34B34A8DF32AADB20649CEXAMPLEONLY in the above example) or run gpg --list-secret-keys if you forgot to take a copy
  • Run gpg --armor --export-secret-keys YOUR_NEW_KEY_ID > renovate-private-key.asc to generate an armored (text-based) private key file
  • Run gpg --armor --export YOUR_NEW_KEY_ID > renovate-public-key.asc to generate an armored (text-based) public key file

The private key should then be added to your Renovate Bot global config (either using privateKeyPath or exporting it to the RENOVATE_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable). The public key can be used to replace the existing key in for your own use.

Any PGP-encrypted secrets must have a mandatory organization/group scope, and optionally can be scoped for a single repository only. The reason for this is to avoid "replay" attacks where someone could learn your encrypted secret and then reuse it in their own Renovate repositories. Instead, with scoped secrets it means that Renovate ensures that the organization and optionally repository values encrypted with the secret match against the running repository.


You could use public key encryption with earlier versions of Renovate. We deprecated this approach and removed the documentation for it. If you're still using public key encryption then we recommend that you use private keys instead.


Secondary or old private key to try.

Name Value
type string
replaceLineReturns true
cli --private-key-old
default null

Use this field if you need to perform a "key rotation" and support more than one keypair at a time. Decryption with this key will be tried after privateKey.

If you are migrating from the legacy public key encryption approach to use a PGP key, then move your legacy private key from privateKey to privateKeyOld and then put your new PGP private key in privateKey. Doing so will mean that Renovate will first try to decrypt using the PGP key but fall back to the legacy key and try that next.

You can remove the privateKeyOld config option once all the old encrypted values have been migrated, or if you no longer want to support the old key and let the processing of repositories fail.


Renovate now logs a warning whenever repositories use non-PGP encrypted config variables.


Path to the Server-side private key.

Name Value
type string
cli --private-key-path
default null

Used as an alternative to privateKey, if you want the key to be read from disk instead.


Path to the Server-side old private key.

Name Value
type string
cli --private-key-path-old
default null

Used as an alternative to privateKeyOld, if you want the key to be read from disk instead.

Links which are used in PRs, issues and comments.

Name Value
type object
mergeable true
  "documentation": "",
  "help": "",
  "homepage": ""
{"type": "string", "format": "uri"}
cli --product-links

Override this object if you want to change the URLs that Renovate links to, e.g. if you have an internal forum for asking for help.


Key prefix for redis cache entries.

Name Value
type string
cli --redis-prefix
default null

If this value is set then Renovate will prepend this string to the name of all Redis cache entries used in Renovate. It's only used if redisUrl is configured.


If set, this Redis URL will be used for caching instead of the file system.

Name Value
type string
cli --redis-url
default null

If this value is set then Renovate will use Redis for its global cache instead of the local file system. The global cache is used to store lookup results (e.g. dependency versions and changelogs) between repositories and runs.

For non encrypted connections,

Example URL structure: redis://[[username]:[password]]@localhost:6379/0.

For TLS/SSL-enabled connections, use rediss prefix

Example URL structure: rediss://[[username]:[password]]@localhost:6379/0.

Renovate also supports connecting to Redis clusters as well. In order to connect to a cluster, provide the connection string using the redis+cluster or rediss+cluster schema as appropriate.

Example URL structure: redis+cluster://[[username]:[password]]@redis.cluster.local:6379/0


Path to where the file should be written. In case of s3 this has to be a full S3 URI.

Name Value
type string
cli --report-path

reportPath describes the location where the report is written to.

If reportType is set to file, then set reportPath to a filepath. For example: /foo/bar.json.

If the value s3 is used in reportType, then use a S3 URI. For example: s3://bucket-name/key-name.

This feature is flagged as experimental

Experimental features might be changed or even removed at any time.


Set how, or if, reports should be generated.

Name Value
type string
allowedValues logging, file, s3
cli --report-type

Defines how the report is exposed:

  • <unset> If unset, no report will be provided, though the debug logs will still have partial information of the report
  • logging The report will be printed as part of the log messages on INFO level
  • file The report will be written to a path provided by reportPath
  • s3 The report is pushed to an S3 bucket defined by reportPath. This option reuses s3Endpoint and s3PathStyle

This feature is flagged as experimental

Experimental features might be changed or even removed at any time.


List of Repositories.

Name Value
type array
subType string

Elements in the repositories array can be an object if you wish to define more settings:

  repositories: [{ repository: 'g/r1', bumpVersion: true }, 'g/r2'];


This option decides if Renovate uses a JSON cache to speed up extractions.

Name Value
type string
allowedValues disabled, enabled, reset
default "disabled"
cli --repository-cache

Set this to "enabled" to have Renovate maintain a JSON file cache per-repository to speed up extractions. Set to "reset" if you ever need to bypass the cache and have it overwritten. JSON files will be stored inside the cacheDir beside the existing file-based package cache.


Set the type of renovate repository cache if repositoryCache is enabled.

Name Value
type string
default "local"
cli --repository-cache-type
Set repositoryCacheType to an S3 URI to enable S3 backed repository cache
  repositoryCacheType: 's3://bucket-name';

Renovate uses the AWS SDK for JavaScript V3 to connect to the S3 instance. Therefore, Renovate supports all the authentication methods supported by the AWS SDK. Read more about the default credential provider chain for AWS SDK for JavaScript V3 here.


If you're storing the repository cache on Amazon S3 then you may set a folder hierarchy as part of repositoryCacheType. For example, repositoryCacheType: 's3://bucket-name/dir1/.../dirN/'.


S3 repository is used as a repository cache (e.g. extracted dependencies) and not a lookup cache (e.g. available versions of dependencies). To keep the later remotely, define Redis URL.


Controls Renovate's behavior regarding repository config files such as renovate.json.

Name Value
type string
default "required"
allowedValues required, optional, ignored
inheritConfigSupport true
cli --require-config

By default, Renovate needs a Renovate config file in each repository where it runs before it will propose any dependency updates.

You can choose any of these settings:

  • "required" (default): a repository config file must be present
  • "optional": if a config file exists, Renovate will use it when it runs
  • "ignored": config files in the repo will be ignored, and have no effect

This feature is closely related to the onboarding config option. The combinations of requireConfig and onboarding are:

onboarding=true onboarding=false
requireConfig=required An onboarding PR will be created if no config file exists. If the onboarding PR is closed and there's no config file, then the repository is skipped. Repository is skipped unless a config file is added manually.
requireConfig=optional An onboarding PR will be created if no config file exists. If the onboarding PR is closed and there's no config file, the repository will be processed. Repository is processed regardless of config file presence.
requireConfig=ignored No onboarding PR will be created and repo will be processed while ignoring any config file present. Repository is processed, any config file is ignored.


If set, Renovate will use this string as the endpoint when creating the AWS S3 client instance.

Name Value
type string
cli --s3-endpoint
default null

If set, Renovate will use this string as the endpoint when creating the AWS S3 client instance.


If set, Renovate will enable forcePathStyle when creating the AWS S3 client instance.

Name Value
type boolean
default false
cli --s3-path-style

If set, Renovate will enable forcePathStyle when creating the AWS S3 client instance.

For example:

s3PathStyle Path

Read the AWS S3 docs, Interface BucketEndpointInputConfig to learn more about path-style URLs.


Object which holds secret name/value pairs.

Name Value
type object
mergeable true
{"type": "string"}
cli --secrets

Secrets may be configured by a bot admin in config.js, which will then make them available for templating within repository configs. For example, to configure a GOOGLE_TOKEN to be accessible by all repositories:

module.exports = {
  secrets: {
    GOOGLE_TOKEN: 'abc123',

They can also be configured per repository, e.g.

module.exports = {
  repositories: [
      repository: 'abc/def',
      secrets: {
        GOOGLE_TOKEN: 'abc123',

It could then be used in a repository config or preset like so:

  "hostRules": [
      "matchHost": "",
      "token": "{{ secrets.GOOGLE_TOKEN }}"

Secret names must start with an upper or lower case character and can have only characters, digits, or underscores.


Repository Auth Token.

Name Value
type string
cli --token
default null


Enable or disable Unicode emoji.

Name Value
type boolean
default true
cli --unicode-emoji

If enabled emoji shortcodes are replaced with their Unicode equivalents. For example: :warning: will be replaced with ⚠️.


If false, Renovate does not try to access cloud metadata services.

Name Value
type boolean
default true
cli --use-cloud-metadata-services

Some cloud providers offer services to receive metadata about the current instance, for example AWS Instance metadata or GCP VM metadata. You can control if Renovate should try to access these services with the useCloudMetadataServices config option.


If set to any string, Renovate will use this as the user-agent it sends with HTTP requests.

Name Value
type string
cli --user-agent

If set to any string, Renovate will use this as the user-agent it sends with HTTP requests. Otherwise, it will default to RenovateBot/${renovateVersion} (


Username for authentication.

Name Value
type string
supportedPlatforms azure, bitbucket, bitbucket-server
cli --username
default null

You may need to set a username if you:

  • use the Bitbucket platform, or
  • use a self-hosted GitHub App with CLI (required)

If you're using a Personal Access Token (PAT) to authenticate then you should not set a username.


Writes discovered repositories to a JSON file and then exit.

Name Value
type string
cli --write-discovered-repos
default null

By default, Renovate processes each repository that it finds. You can use this optional parameter so Renovate writes the discovered repositories to a JSON file and exits.

Known use cases consist, among other things, of horizontal scaling setups. See Scaling Renovate Bot on self-hosted GitLab.

Usage: renovate --write-discovered-repos=/tmp/renovate-repos.json

["myOrg/myRepo", "myOrg/anotherRepo"]