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Shareable Config Presets

This page describes how to configure your shared presets. Read the Key concepts, presets page to learn more about presets in general.

Shareable config presets must use the JSON or JSON5 formats, other formats are not supported.


Describe what your preset does in the "description" field. This way your configuration is self-documenting.

Extending from a preset

To use a preset put it in an extends array within your Renovate config. Presets can be nested.

Preset Hosting

Presets should be hosted in repositories, which usually means the same platform host as Renovate is running against.

Alternatively, Renovate can fetch preset files from an HTTP server.


We deprecated npm-based presets. We plan to drop the npm-based presets feature in a future major release of Renovate.

You can set a Git tag (like a SemVer) to use a specific release of your shared config.

Preset File Naming

Presets are repo-hosted, and you can have one or more presets hosted per repository. If you omit a file name from your preset (e.g. github>abc/foo) then Renovate will look for a default.json file in the repo. If you wish to have an alternative file name, you need to specify it (e.g. github>abc/foo//alternative-name.json5).


We've deprecated using a renovate.json file for the default preset file name in a repository. If you're using a renovate.json file to share your presets, rename it to default.json.


name example use preset resolves as filename Git tag
GitHub default github>abc/foo default default.json Default branch
GitHub with preset name github>abc/foo:xyz xyz xyz.json Default branch
GitHub with preset name (JSON5) github>abc/foo:xyz.json5 xyz xyz.json5 Default branch
GitHub with preset name and path github>abc/foo//path/xyz xyz path/xyz.json Default branch
GitHub default with a tag github>abc/foo#1.2.3 default default.json 1.2.3
GitHub with preset name with a tag github>abc/foo:xyz#1.2.3 xyz xyz.json 1.2.3
GitHub with preset name and path with a tag github>abc/foo//path/xyz#1.2.3 xyz path/xyz.json 1.2.3
GitHub with subpreset name and tag github>abc/foo:xyz/sub#1.2.3 sub xyz.json 1.2.3


name example use preset resolves as filename Git tag
GitLab default gitlab>abc/foo default default.json Default branch
GitLab with preset name gitlab>abc/foo:xyz xyz xyz.json Default branch
GitLab with preset name (JSON5) gitlab>abc/foo:xyz.json5 xyz xyz.json5 Default branch
GitLab default with a tag gitlab>abc/foo#1.2.3 default default.json 1.2.3
GitLab with preset name with a tag gitlab>abc/foo:xyz#1.2.3 xyz xyz.json 1.2.3
GitLab with preset name and path with a tag gitlab>abc/foo//path/xyz#1.2.3 xyz path/xyz.json 1.2.3
GitLab with subpreset name and tag gitlab>abc/foo:xyz/sub#1.2.3 sub xyz.json 1.2.3


name example use preset resolves as filename Git tag
Gitea default gitea>abc/foo default default.json Default branch
Gitea with preset name gitea>abc/foo:xyz xyz xyz.json Default branch
Gitea with preset name (JSON5) gitea>abc/foo:xyz.json5 xyz xyz.json5 Default branch
Gitea default with a tag gitea>abc/foo#1.2.3 default default.json 1.2.3
Gitea with preset name with a tag gitea>abc/foo:xyz#1.2.3 xyz xyz.json 1.2.3
Gitea with preset name and path with a tag gitea>abc/foo//path/xyz#1.2.3 xyz path/xyz.json 1.2.3
Gitea with subpreset name and tag gitea>abc/foo:xyz/sub#1.2.3 sub xyz.json 1.2.3

Self-hosted Git

name example use preset resolves as filename Git tag
Local default local>abc/foo default default.json Default branch
Local with preset path local>abc/foo:xyz xyz xyz.json Default branch
Local with preset path (JSON5) local>abc/foo:xyz.json5 xyz xyz.json5 Default branch
Local with preset name and path local>abc/foo//path/xyz xyz path/xyz.json Default branch
Local default with a tag local>abc/foo#1.2.3 default default.json 1.2.3
Local with preset name with a tag local>abc/foo:xyz#1.2.3 xyz xyz.json 1.2.3
Local with preset name and path with a tag local>abc/foo//path/xyz#1.2.3 xyz path/xyz.json 1.2.3
Local with subpreset name and tag local>abc/foo:xyz/sub#1.2.3 sub xyz.json 1.2.3


You can't combine the path and sub-preset syntaxes. This means that anything in the form provider>owner/repo//path/to/file:subsubpreset is not supported. One workaround is to use distinct files instead of sub-presets.

Example configs

An example of a small rule is :preserveSemverRanges, which has the description "Preserve (but continue to upgrade) any existing SemVer ranges.". It simply sets the configuration option rangeStrategy to replace.

An example of a full config is config:recommended, which is Renovate's default configuration. It mostly uses Renovate config defaults but adds a few smart customizations such as grouping monorepo packages together.


The :xyz naming convention (with : prefix) is shorthand for the default: presets. For example: :xyz is the same as default:xyz.

How to Use Preset Configs

By default, Renovate App's onboarding PR suggests the ["config:recommended"] preset. If you're self hosting, and want to use the config:recommended preset, then you must add "onboardingConfig": { "extends": ["config:recommended"] } to your bot's config.

Read the Full Config Presets page to learn more about our config: presets.

A typical onboarding renovate.json looks like this:

  "extends": ["config:recommended"]

Here's an example of using presets to change Renovate's behavior. You're happy with the config:recommended preset, but want Renovate to create PRs when you're not at the office. You look at our schedule: presets, and find the schedule:nonOfficeHours preset. You put schedule:nonOfficeHours in the extends array of your renovate.json file, like this:

  "extends": ["config:recommended", "schedule:nonOfficeHours"]

Preset Parameters

If you browse the "default" presets, you will see some that have parameters, e.g.:

  "labels": {
    "description": "Apply labels <code>{{arg0}}</code> and <code>{{arg1}}</code> to PRs",
    "labels": ["{{arg0}}", "{{arg1}}"]
  "assignee": {
    "description": "Assign PRs to <code>{{arg0}}</code>",
    "assignees": ["{{arg0}}"]

Here is how you would use these in your Renovate config:

  "extends": [":labels(dependencies,devops)", ":assignee(rarkins)"]

In short, the number of {{argx}} parameters in the definition is how many parameters you need to provide. Parameters must be strings, non-quoted, and separated by commas if there are more than one.

If you find that you are repeating config a lot, you might consider publishing one of these types of parameterized presets yourself. Or if you think your preset would be valuable for others, please contribute a PR to the Renovate repository, see Contributing to presets.

GitHub-hosted Presets

To host your preset config on GitHub:

  • Create a new repository. Normally you'd call it renovate-config but it can be named anything
  • Add configuration files to this new repo for any presets you want to share. For the default preset, default.json will be checked. For named presets, <preset-name>.json will be loaded. For example, loading preset library would load library.json. No other files are necessary.
  • In other repos, reference it in an extends array like "github>owner/name", for example:
  "extends": ["github>rarkins/renovate-config"]

From then on Renovate will use the Renovate config from the preset repo's default branch. You do not need to add it as a devDependency or add any other files to the preset repo.

GitLab-hosted Presets

For a private GitLab repository Renovate requires at least Reporter level access.

To host your preset config on GitLab:

  • Create a new repository on GitLab. Normally you'd call it renovate-config but it can be named anything
  • Add a default.json to this new repo containing the preset config. No other files are necessary
  • In other repos, reference it in an extends array like "gitlab>owner/name", e.g. "gitlab>rarkins/renovate-config"

Gitea-hosted Presets

To host your preset config on Gitea:

  • Create a new repository on Gitea. Normally you'd call it renovate-config but you can use any name you want
  • Add a default.json to this new repository containing the preset config. No other files are necessary
  • In other repositories, reference it in an extends array like "gitea>owner/name", e.g. "gitea>rarkins/renovate-config"

Local presets

Renovate also supports local presets, e.g. presets that are hosted on the same platform as the target repository. This is especially helpful in self-hosted scenarios where public presets cannot be used. Local presets are specified either by leaving out any prefix, e.g. owner/name, or explicitly by adding a local> prefix, e.g. local>owner/name. Renovate will determine the current platform and look up the preset from there.

Fetching presets from an HTTP server

If your desired platform is not yet supported, or if you want presets to work when you run Renovate with --platform=local, you can specify presets using HTTP URLs:

  "extends": [

Parameters are supported similar to other methods:

  "extends": [

Templating presets

You can use Handlebars templates to be flexible with your presets. This can be handy when you want to include presets conditionally.


The template only supports a small subset of options, but you can extend them via customEnvVariables.

Read the templates section to learn more.

Example use-case

The following example shows a self-hosted Renovate preset located in a GitLab repository called renovate/presets.

  "extends": ["local>renovate/presets"]

Usually you want to validate the preset before you put it in your Renovate configuration Here is an example of how you can use templating to validate and load the preset on a branch level:

// config.js
module.exports = {
  customEnvVariables: {
    GITLAB_REF: process.env.CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME || 'main',
  extends: ['local>renovate/presets#{{ env.GITLAB_REF }}'],

Contributing to presets

Have you configured a rule that could help others? Please consider contributing it to the Renovate repository so that it gains higher visibility and saves others from reinventing the same thing.

Create a discussion to propose your preset to the Renovate maintainers. The maintainers can also help improve the preset, and let you know where to put it in the code. If you are proposing a "monorepo" preset addition then it's OK to raise a PR directly as that can be more efficient than a GitHub Discussion.

Group/Organization level presets

Whenever repository onboarding happens, Renovate checks for a a default config to extend. Renovate will check for a repository called renovate-config with a default.json file in the parent user/group/org of the repository. On platforms that support nested groups (e.g. GitLab), Renovate will check for this repository at each level of grouping, from nearest to furthest, and use the first one it finds. On all platforms, it will then look for a repository named like .{{platform}} (e.g. .github) with a renovate-config.json, under the same top-level user/group/org.

If found, that repository's preset will be suggested as the sole extended preset, and any existing onboardingConfig config will be ignored/overridden. For example the result may be:

  "$schema": "",
  "extends": ["local>myorgname/.github:renovate-config"]

npm-hosted presets


Using npm-hosted presets is deprecated, we recommend you do not follow these instructions and instead use a local preset.

If you manage multiple repositories using Renovate and want the same custom config across all or most of them, then you might want to consider publishing your own preset config so that you can "extend" it in every applicable repository. That way when you want to change your Renovate configuration you can make the change in one location rather than having to copy/paste it to every repository individually.

Let's say that your username on npm and elsewhere is "fastcore". In that case, you can choose between publishing your preset config package as @fastcore/renovate-config or renovate-config-fastcore. Let's assume you choose renovate-config-fastcore as the package name.

You then need to publish the renovate-config-fastcore package where the package.json has the field renovate-config and then put your config under the field default. For example:

  "name": "renovate-config-fastcore",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "renovate-config": {
    "default": {
      "extends": ["config:recommended", "schedule:nonOfficeHours"]

Then in each of your repositories you can add your Renovate config like:

  "extends": ["fastcore"]

Any repository including this config will then adopt the rules of the default library preset but schedule it on weeknights or weekends.

If you prefer to publish using the namespace @fastcore/renovate-config then you would use the @ prefix instead:

  "extends": ["@fastcore"]