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Automated Dependency Updates for Kustomize

Categories: kubernetes

Renovate supports updating Kustomize dependencies.

File Matching

By default, Renovate will check any files matching the following regular expression: (^|/)kustomization\.ya?ml$.

For details on how to extend a manager's fileMatch value, please follow this link.

Supported datasources

This manager supports extracting the following datasources: docker, git-tags, github-tags, helm.

Default config

  "fileMatch": [
  "pinDigests": false

Additional Information

Renovate can manage these parts of the kustomization.yaml file:

  1. remote resources
  2. image tags
  3. components
  4. helm charts
  5. remote bases (deprecated since Kustomize v2.1.0)

How It Works

  1. Renovate searches in each repository for any kustomization.yaml files
  2. Dependencies are extracted from remote bases, image tags and Helm charts
  3. Renovate resolves the dependency's source repository and checks if there are SemVer tags
  4. If Renovate finds an update, then it updates the kustomization.yaml file

This manager uses three depTypes to allow fine-grained control of which dependencies are upgraded:

  • Component
  • Kustomization
  • HelmChart
  • OCIChart


  • Using HTTPS to fetch the repositories is not tested
  • The keys for the image tags can be in any order
- name: image/name
  newTag: v0.0.1
# or
- newTag: v0.0.1
  name: image/name
  • Digests can be pinned in newTag or digest:
- name: image/name
  newTag: v0.0.1@sha256:3eeba3e2caa30d2aba0fd78a34c1bbeebaa1b96c7aa3c95ec9bac44163c5ca4f
# without a version, digests are tracked as :latest
- name: image/name
  digest: sha256:3eeba3e2caa30d2aba0fd78a34c1bbeebaa1b96c7aa3c95ec9bac44163c5ca4f
  • The image's repository can be changed with newName:
- name: image/name
  newName: custom-image/name:v0.0.1
- name: image/name
  newName: custom-image/name:v0.0.1@sha256:3eeba3e2caa30d2aba0fd78a34c1bbeebaa1b96c7aa3c95ec9bac44163c5ca4f
- name: image/name
  newName: custom-image/name@sha256:3eeba3e2caa30d2aba0fd78a34c1bbeebaa1b96c7aa3c95ec9bac44163c5ca4f
- name: image/name
  newName: custom-image/name
  newTag: v0.0.1@sha256:3eeba3e2caa30d2aba0fd78a34c1bbeebaa1b96c7aa3c95ec9bac44163c5ca4f
- name: image/name
  newName: custom-image/name
  digest: sha256:3eeba3e2caa30d2aba0fd78a34c1bbeebaa1b96c7aa3c95ec9bac44163c5ca4f
  • Images with values ignored by Kustomize will be skipped to avoid ambiguity:
# bad: skipped because newTag: is ignored when digest: is set
- name: image/name
  newTag: v0.0.1
  digest: sha256:3eeba3e2caa30d2aba0fd78a34c1bbeebaa1b96c7aa3c95ec9bac44163c5ca4f
# good:
- name: image/name
  newTag: v0.0.1@sha256:3eeba3e2caa30d2aba0fd78a34c1bbeebaa1b96c7aa3c95ec9bac44163c5ca4f

Open items

The below list of features were current when this page was generated on February 15, 2025.

Feature requests

  • Support kustomize URL parameters #31120
  • Support for inflating helmchart deptype upgrades in the kustomize manager #14137
  • Using git commit refs in kustomize #7915