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Automated Dependency Updates for pre-commit

Categories: no-category

Renovate supports updating pre-commit dependencies.


pre-commit functionality is currently in beta testing, so you must opt-in to test it. To enable it, add a configuration like this to either your bot config or your renovate.json:

  "pre-commit": {
    "enabled": true

If you find any bugs, please create a new discussion first. If you find that it works well, then let us know too.

File Matching

By default, Renovate will check any files matching the following regular expression: (^|/)\.pre-commit-config\.ya?ml$.

For details on how to extend a manager's fileMatch value, please follow this link.

Supported datasources

This manager supports extracting the following datasources: github-tags, gitlab-tags.

Default config

  "commitMessageTopic": "pre-commit hook {{depName}}",
  "enabled": false,
  "fileMatch": [
  "prBodyNotes": [
    "Note: The `pre-commit` manager in Renovate is not supported by the `pre-commit` maintainers or community. Please do not report any problems there, instead [create a Discussion in the Renovate repository]( if you have any questions."

Additional Information

Important note: The pre-commit manager is disabled by default and must be opted into through config. Renovate's approach to version updating is not fully aligned with pre-commit autoupdate and this has caused frustration for pre-commit's creator/maintainer. Attempts to work with the pre-commit project to fix these gaps have been rejected, so we have chosen to disable the manager by default indefinitely. Please do not contact the pre-commit project/maintainer about any Renovate-related topic. To view a list of open issues related to the pre-commit manager in Renovate, see the filtered list using the manager:pre-commit label.

When enabled, Renovate supports updating of Git dependencies within pre-commit configuration .pre-commit-config.yaml files or other YAML files that use the same format (via fileMatch configuration). Updates are performed if the files follow the conventional format used in typical pre-commit files:

  - repo:
    rev: v1.0.0
      - id: some-hook-id

To enable the pre-commit manager, add the following config:

  "pre-commit": {
    "enabled": true

Alternatively, add :enablePreCommit to your extends array.

Additional Dependencies

renovate has partial support for additional_dependencies, currently python only.

for python hooks, you will need to explicitly add language to your hooks with additional_dependencies to let renovatebot know what kind of dependencies they are.

For example, this work for request:

- repo:
  rev: 19.3b0
    - id: black
      language: python
        - 'request==1.1.1'

this won't work:

- repo:
  rev: 19.3b0
    - id: black
        - 'request==1.1.1'

Open items

The below list of features were current when this page was generated on February 15, 2025.

Feature requests

  • Extract and update default_language_version from .pre-commit-config.yaml #26205
  • Support digest pinning in pre-commit manager #22568
  • Support digest updating in pre-commit manager #22567
  • Renovate pre-commit addition dependencies #20780
  • Pre-commit minimum version and docker entry #11166