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Python package manager support

Renovate supports several Python package managers, including pip, pipenv, poetry, etc. See all supported managers.

Versioning support

We've written a JavaScript version of the PEP440 specification so we can use it in Renovate bot. You can find this project in our renovatebot/pep440 repository.

Our PEP440 implementation supports pinned versions and ranges. Legacy versions with the === prefix are ignored.

How it works

  1. Renovate searches through each repository for package files
  2. Existing dependencies are extracted from the package files
  3. Renovate searches for the latest version on PyPI to decide if there are upgrades
  4. If the source package includes a GitHub URL as its source, and has a "changelog" file or uses GitHub releases, a Release Note will be embedded in the generated PR

Package name matching

Your matchPackageName or matchPackagePattern rules will be matching against normalized names. So if you have specified package some.package or ANOTHER_DEP in your package files (requirements.txt, pyproject.toml), they will be treated as some-package and another-dep respectively. Not only they will be case insensitive but will replace any amount ._- to a single -. Consult Python packaging documentation for the specification.

Alternate registries

By default Renovate checks for upgrades on the registry.

If you want, you can set alternative index URLs. There are three ways to do this:

  • index-url in requirements.txt
  • sources in Pipfile
  • sources in pyproject.toml
  • set URL in Renovate configuration

index-url in requirements.txt

Setting index URL in first line of requirements.txt

Sources in Pipfile

Renovate finds and uses any custom sources in your Pipfile.

Sources in pyproject.toml

Renovate detects any custom-configured sources in pyproject.toml and uses them.

Specify URL in configuration

Create a packageRules entry with matchDatasources=pypi and a registryUrls array. Fill the array with alternate index URL(s).

  "packageRules": [
      "matchDatasources": ["pypi"],
      "registryUrls": [""]


If a requirements.txt file has an index-url then Renovate follows that link, instead of following any link set in the registryUrls array. To override the URL found in requirements.txt, you must create a custom packageRules setting. This is because packageRules are applied after package file extraction.

Disabling Python support

Disabling all managers where language is set to Python
  "python": {
    "enabled": false

Alternatively, you can use enabledManagers to tell Renovate what package managers it can use.

Only use Renovate's npm package manager
  "enabledManagers": ["npm"]